
Hello World!

Several years ago, I blogged about my explorations in genealogy (see Then life got hectic, my mother passed, and I went back to graduate school. Long-story-short, I am ready to dive into my research again and blog about it.

When I started blogging in 2009, I called my site Of Trolls and Lemons. Scandinavian Trolls are mythological, magical creatures that live in the mountains, woods, or caves. They are mostly up to no good and like to cause trouble for humans. There are numerous folkloric tales and legends about trolls and places throughout Norway named for them. For example, there is the famous Trollstigen (Troll’s Ladder) mountain pass or the Trolltunga (Troll’s Tongue) rock formation–also one of the most popular hikes in Norway. The lemons, on the other hand, are representative of my Sicilian roots where orchards of citrus spread like carpets over the foothills of Mount Etna and throughout the island. Sicilian oranges and lemons are flavor-bombs cultivated by Mediterranean sunshine and fertile volcanic soil–simply the best.

Please join me as I once again share my exploits into the world of genealogy with a focus on Norway, Sweden, and Italy.


  • Lois Annab

    We share many parallels in life Astrid beside working for NIEHS. I am half Danish and half Swedish. My children’s dad is half Italian and half Arabic. My life went upside down after my mother died as well…..I survived and stronger for it, but know the feeling. I already had a masters degree so I wasn’t so crazy as to go back to school – but I did start to travel after retirement and going to the places I’ve always dreamed of – Antarctica, Beijing and Thailand, Galapagos Islands, German & Austrian Christmas markets and Machu Picchu. I hope to keep up the travel after covid. My oldest brother and I had been working on our geneaology, but unfortunately, he passed away from cancer last month. I’m kind of lost without his help….so I’m hoping to be inspired by your blogs.

    • Astrid

      Thanks for your comment, Lois. I have loved following your travels, and I also can’t wait to get back to it after Covid. I hope my blogs will measure up to being inspirational. Let me know if you need any pointers.

  • Ugo Dibennardo

    Evviva evviva e complimenti, sono molto felice che hai ripreso il blog….. ti seguirò con interesse, curiosità e gioia…..